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RubyKaigi 2019 の スライドまとめてみた

明日から令和ですね。 ブログ更新できていなかったので先日参加したRubyKaigi 2019のスライドのリンクをまとめてみました。 コードを書く意欲がそそられるものが多く実際に参加できてとても光栄でした。

久々に福岡にいったのですが、随分と整備されていて移動するのが快適になっていますね。 特に空港からの移動が非常にスムーズな印象です。 また個人的に遊びに行こうかとおもいます。

Ruby Kaigi 2019ですが、4/19 〜 21 までの3日間でとても多くのセッションが用意されていていました。 4つのセッションが並行して実施されていたので、聞けないセッションもあったので少し残念ではありましたが、後日動画などもこうかいされることを期待しつつ、公開されているスライドをまとめてみました。


speakers twitter title slide movie
Matz @yukihiro_matz The Year of Concurrency -
Matz & the Ruby Core Team - Ruby 3 Progress Report
Takashi Kokubun @k0kubun Performance Improvement of Ruby 2.7 JIT in Real World
Maciej Mensfeld @maciejmensfeld How to take over a Ruby gem
ITOYANAGI Sakura @aycabta Terminal Editors For Ruby Core Toolchain
ota42y @ota42y How to use OpenAPI3 for API developer
Koichi Sasada @_ko1 Write a Ruby interpreter in Ruby for Ruby 3
Nate Berkopec @nateberkopec Determining Ruby Process Counts: Theory and Practice
Giovanni Sakti @giosakti Pathfinder - Building a Container Platform in Ruby Ecosystem
joker1007 @joker1007 Pragmatic Monadic Programing in Ruby
Yusuke Endoh @mametter A Type-level Ruby Interpreter for Testing and Understanding
Alexander Ivanov Zahary Karadjov @￰alehander42 @￰zah Compiling Ruby to idiomatic code in static languages
Genadi Samokovarov @gsamokovarov Writing Debuggers in Plain Ruby! Fact or fiction?
Yoh Osaki @youchan Ruby for NLP
Samuel Williams @ioquatix Fibers Are the Right Solution
Matthew Draper @_matthewd A Bundle of Joy: Rewriting for Performance
Paolo Perrotta @nusco A Deep Learning Adventure
Shizuo Fujita @watson1978 RMagick, migrate to ImageMagick 7
Kazuki Tsujimoto @k_tsj Pattern matching - New feature in Ruby 2.7
Alex Wood @alexwwood Building Serverless Applications in Ruby with AWS Lambda
Shawnee Gao @gao_shawnee GraphQL Migration: A Proper Use Case for Metaprogramming?
Aaron Patterson @tenderlove Compacting GC for MRI v2


speakers twitter title slide movie
nagachika @nagachika All bugfixes are incompatibilities
Sam Phippen @samphippen How RSpec works
Noah Gibbs @codefolio Six Years of Ruby Performance: A History
Hitoshi HASUMI @hasumikin Practical mruby/c firmware development with CRuby
Kouhei Sutou Kazuma Furuhashi @ktou @284km Better CSV processing with Ruby 2.6
Hiromasa Ishii @Hir0_IC intimate Chat with Matz and mruby developers about mruby
Xavier Noria @fxn Zeitwerk: A new code loader
Andrey Novikov @Envek Yabeda: Monitoring monogatari
Yutaka HARA @yhara Ovto: Frontend web framework for Rubyists
Jake Zimmerman Paul Tarjan @￰jez @ptarjan State of Sorbet: A Type Checker for Ruby
Michael Grosser @grosser Actionable Code Coverage
RubyData Workshop
Shugo Maeda @shugomaeda Terminal curses
Vladimir Makarov @￰vnmakarov A light weight JIT compiler project for CRuby
Amir Rajan @amirrajan Building a game for the Nintendo Switch using Ruby
Alex Rodionov @p0deje Crystalball: predicting test failures
Uchio KONDO @udzura The fastest way to bootstrap Ruby on Rails
Emily Stolfo @￰estolfo Benchmarking your code, inside and out
Kevin Menard @nirvdrum Beyond puts: TruffleRuby’s Modern Debugger Using Chrome
Mike McQuaid @MikeMcQuaid Building Homebrew in Ruby: The Good, Bad and Ugly
Tanaka Akira @tanaka_akr What is Domain Specific Language?
- Lightning Talks
How does TruffleRuby work


speakers twitter title slide movie
Presentation avatar Ruby Committers vs the World
Yurie Yamane(team yamanekko) Masayoshi Takahashi @yuri_at_earth @takahashim (partially) Non-volatile mruby
Ariel Zelivansky @￰zelivans Fuzzing native Ruby code with Kisaten
Justin Searls @searls The Selfish Programmer
Sangyong Sim @riseshia Cleaning up a huge ruby application
Soutaro Matsumoto @soutaro The challenges behind Ruby type checking
Charles NutterThomas E Enebo @tom_enebo JRuby: The Road to Ruby 2.6 and Rails 6
Colin Fulton @PeterQuines Running Ruby On The Apple II
Go Sueyoshi @sue445 Best practices in web API client development
Hiroshi SHIBATA @hsbt The future of the Bundled Bundler with RubyGems
Kevin Deisz @kddeisz Pre-evaluation in Ruby
Masatoshi SEKI @m_seki dRuby 20th anniversary hands-on workshop
Sadayuki Furuhashi @frsyuki Performance Optimization Techniques of MessagePack-Ruby
Kenta Murata @mrkn Reducing ActiveRecord memory consumption using Apache Arrow
Tung Nguyen @￰tongueroo Ruby Serverless Framework
Tatsuhiro Ujihisa @ujm Play with local vars
nobu @n0kada Timezone API
Urabe, Shyouhei @shyouhei The send-pop optimisation
Petr Chalupa @pitr_ch TruffleRuby: Wrapping up compatibility for C extensions
Colby Swandale @oceanicpanda Working towards Bundler 3
Naotoshi Seo Yusaku Hatanaka @sonots @hatappi Red Chainer and Cumo: Practical Deep Learning in Ruby
Jeremy Evans @jeremyevans0 Optimization Techniques Used by the Benchmark Winners

個人的な感想は別途まとめます。 リンク間違いや、追加されている資料を教えていただけると助かります〜 Enjoy Ruby!